Real Estate & Development

Service to real estate developers and investors has been a significant area of expertise within our firm for decades.

Real Estate & Development

Perhaps more than in most industries, the real estate business cycle and decision-making process are unique. Strategic decisions involving real estate often include long-term commitments and risks, and the ramifications of insufficient financial planning and analysis can be detrimental to the success of your endeavor. As such, you want professionals on your team who understand the real estate industry and possess the experience and technical excellence necessary to meet your needs. Sisterson offers real estate investors and developers proven professional support in the areas of financial consulting, accounting, and taxation to assist in planning and managing real estate ventures. 

While our clients cover a broad spectrum of industries, service to real estate developers and investors has been a significant area of expertise within the Firm for decades. We provide clients with traditional accounting, auditing, and tax compliance services, as well as tax planning and a variety of financial consulting services.

Sisterson’s real estate services team possesses a wealth of diverse experience in the real estate arena involving commercial office, land development, industrial, residential, and hotel and resort properties throughout the United States. We have assisted client management in the areas of acquisitions, divestitures, cash forecasts, investment return analysis, operating property reviews, and tax planning. In addition, the Firm has performed numerous financial statement audits and reviews of real estate partnerships and holding companies whose financial statements have been submitted to dozens of banks and money centers nationally. Sisterson also boasts of one of the areas finest tax departments, particularly relative to its significant experience in planning and evaluating tax matters associated with complex business transactions.

Services Offered

Audit and Assurance
  • Financial statement audits, reviews, and compilations.

  • Forecasted and projected financial statements.

  • Internal control reviews.

Tax Services
  • Federal and state tax compliance with an emphasis on planning.
  • Choice of entity analysis.
  • Acquisition and divestiture due diligence relative to tax matters.
  • Passive activity loss planning.
  • Tax projections.
  • Analysis of complex partnership agreements.
  • Disposition planning.
  • Multi-state tax issues.
  • Tax accounting methods and elections.
  • Tax examination representation.
  • Debt classification and restructuring issues.
  • Cost allocation analysis and planning with multiple projects or parcels.
  • Planning for capitalization of interest and other costs.
  • Evaluation of dealer vs. investor status for land ownership.
  • Lease vs. buy considerations.
Advisory Services
  • Acquisition and divestiture due diligence, including prospective financial modeling, and deal structure assistance.
  • Cash flow forecasts and projections.
  • Investment return analyses.
  • Review and analysis of operating lease, purchase and sell, management, debt, and partnership agreements.
  • Construction contractor reviews.
  • Operating property reviews and management evaluation.
  • Litigation support and expert testimony.
  • Business valuations.
  • Accounting systems implementation.
  • Financial modeling, including analysis of cash flow, investment alternatives, break-even, financing options, and capital structure.
  • Part-time and interim financial personnel, including day-to-day financial and accounting oversight, cash and working capital management, recruiting and training financial and accounting personnel, establishing procedures, and system reviews.
  • Financing strategies, including evaluating financing needs, investigating internal and external financing sources, and developing business plans and financing proposals.
  • Strategic planning.
  • Fixed asset and depreciation recordkeeping.

Questions? Contact us.

Real Estate Executive Team

William M. Richardson
Team Lead

William M. Richardson

Tax Partner
Brian R. Kuczinski

Brian R. Kuczinski

Assurance Services Partner
M. Kent  Moorhead, II

M. Kent Moorhead, II

Tax Partner
Deborah L. Ogrodnik

Deborah L. Ogrodnik

Managing Partner, Tax Partner
Melissa A. Pugne

Melissa A. Pugne

Tax Partner
Jared G. Sullivan

Jared G. Sullivan

Assurance Services Partner
Megan E. Rechenberg

Megan E. Rechenberg

Tax Director
Samantha  DeMarchi

Samantha DeMarchi

Tax Manager
Aaron M. Janusey

Aaron M. Janusey

Assurance Services Manager
Alyssa  Johns

Alyssa Johns

Tax Manager
William J.  Moder, IV

William J. Moder, IV

Tax Manager
Steven  Sanner

Steven Sanner

Assurance Services Manager
Rebecca L. Weisner

Rebecca L. Weisner

Tax Manager

Our goal is to be a strategic partner for our clients, and to look beyond the numbers in every engagement.  

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